Since 1993...
We stock large inventories of commonly used material handling products such as used pallet rack, gravity roller conveyors, skatewheel conveyors, powered conveyors, pallet jacks, wire containers, steel containers, lift tables, stack racks and the like.
Our offices, reconditioning building, and warehouse are located at 395 Roost Avenue, Holland, MI 49424 (map). In our 700' long warehouse, we stock large inventories of commonly used material handling products such as used pallet rack, gravity roller conveyors, skatewheel conveyors, powered conveyors, pallet jacks, wire containers, steel containers, lift tables, stack racks and the like. We also have hundreds of more unusual or one of a kind items that can help your business. If you do not see what you are looking for please call, we can probably help you out.
Our offices, reconditioning building, warehouse and storage yard were designed specifically for receiving, inspecting, reconditioning and storing a wide variety of products. Built primarily from recycled materials (including salvaged supports from the 1981 to 1987 Zilwaukee Bridge construction project), our unique buildings represent the mission statement of Bay Equipment Co. We encourage potential customers to visit and browse through our extensive inventory and facility. Even if they don't make a purchase, most come away with new ideas and plans for operating their businesses.